Krrb App is a new site that connects neighbors to buy, sell, trade, give or borrow secondhand, handmade and locally-made items, they are being called the "new Craigslist". Krrb have just launched an iPhone App that allows you to post to the site directly from your phone, view posts near you and respond to messages on the go. In celebration of the new iPhone App, Krrb have launched a Summer Clearance Contest, it is easy to enter and the winner will receive a brand new iPod Touch! Click here for more info on how to enter.
Below, some of the cool stuff you can find on
- Vintage Metal Coke Sign
- Herman Miller Desk Chair
- Fender Mini Tone-Master Amp
- Custom Schwinn Single Speed Bike
Below, some of the cool stuff you can find on
- Vintage Metal Coke Sign
- Herman Miller Desk Chair
- Fender Mini Tone-Master Amp
- Custom Schwinn Single Speed Bike