Born from one the largest Kickstarter campaigns ever (over $2 Million pledged) the awesome CouchConsole will make sure you will never lose a remote, a phone, or spill a drink on your couch again. The ingenious CouchConsole lets you lay down the remote and a host of other stuff you might want to keep on hand. The modular organizer is made with modules that are independent from one another so you can customize the layout just the way you like it. It features a self-balancing cupholder, a snack holder, a phone stand, a charging dock, a remote tray, and a storage pocket. Are you having two types of beverages? no problem, just add two cup modules. The cup holder, by the way, has a gyroscope system that ensures your cup will stay in a vertical position no matter how uneven or soft the surface you put the CouchConsole on is. An indispensable addition to anyone spending the next couple of hours plopped down on the living room couch. watch the video below