Kammok Sunda 2.0 Tent-Hammock
High-performance outdoor gear maker Kammok has made their popular Sunda tent even better! Notable upgrades over the original include a lightweight and durable re-design, a waterproof bathtub floor, an integrated rainfly and a new pole architecture. It also sets up faster and easier. The Kammok Sunda 2.0 is a freestanding 2-person tent and 1-person all-in-one hammock tent that adapts to any terrain. The innovative backpacking-sized tent lets you pitch on the ground or suspend between two anchors, creating a reliable home on the trail no matter the landscape beneath your feet. Boasting 8 feet in length for the tallest campers and 40" height for comfortable sitting inside, it is great enough to make camping off the ground practical, not just an Instagram fantasy. Watch the video below