stuff we drool about

The Level

The Level is a motion platform that aims to reduce health issues derived from sedentary occupations. It´s true that our body was designed to move, it has a rich dynamic balance disabled by our modern way of life and work style, this way of life is far from being healthy and natural, we were not made to sit in the same place for hours…with that in mind the guys at Fluidstance thought of a way to move wile staying in the same place, an elegant platform made from bamboo and aluminum, that defies you to balance on it, thus exercising in the process. It´s eco friendly, made from eco-consciously grown bamboo, fun to use, and boosts up your heart rate, with great benefits for your joints and muscles also. And don´t think this is a non issue, that´s why we already see lots of people who own a standing up desk, The Level is just a greatly improved alternative. watch the video

Also check out our roundup "A Healthier Workstation"

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Nomos Interior
Luca Faloni Interior
Carl Friedrik Interior
Vaer Interior
Five Interior
Thousand Fell Interior
Floyd Interior
London Sock Interior


A jewel between heaven and earth, suspended on a rocky plateau 23 metres above the sea, this home is a stunning masterpiece of international architecture, built with feeling and style. This enchanting masterpiece built in 2008, with an area of 250 sq m, leaves the viewer simply breathless. The architect, John Robert Nilsson, was inspired by art and international architecture. The pure, simple and Nordic features tell their own story, with elements and inspiration fr...
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Den DIY Cabin Plans - Image

Den DIY Cabin Plans

Want to build your own cabin in the wild? Den Outdoors want to make it easier for you to build your own, selling you the plans to several stylish cabin designs. The company offers printable blueprints that cost anywhere from $99 to $495 for contemporary cabins that range in size from 144 square feet up to 1,000 square feet. With the purchase you get everything you need (from detailed drawings to code guidelines) to get started on your new hideaway. They also sell a ...
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Bike Butler is another great bicycle storage solution by Italian design studio Vadolibero, the same company behind the brilliant Bike Shelf. Bike Butler is the special "assistant” for those who love to ride their bike, it features a tube-shaped base for a free standing position, making it easy to move around, and includes everything you need to organize your bike and riding gear. A bicycle support, an ample drawer, a vertical space for hanging small items, a big h...
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