Otto Grill
Otto Grill has just been launched on the market and is aimed at those who take grilling seriously. This item uses a pair of individually-adjustable infrared overfire burners to heat up at high temperatures (up to 1500º F) in the time it takes you to say "Rib eye cut”. It’s German made so you’re sure to get top build quality and durability, and is designed by an industrial designer that gave it an interesting look, kind of like a small machine that could very well be on the production line of a factory, the industrial look will cool in the kitchen. Its prime goal is to grill meat, the power is there, making sure you get the most wanted crust but preserving all of the juices inside, obviously you may use it to cook other things so the cookbook that comes along while subscribing to the newsletter is welcome and will assist you in making it more versatile. Be sure to check it out should you be a grill fan. watch the video below