Uiio Wine Purifier
Love wine but hate the headaches? Get Ullo! Ullo is a wine purifier and aerator. It features a special filter, with a patented polymer inside that dramatically decreases sulfites in the wine you drink. Remember that sulfites are the wines´ preservatives that are present in every bottle, but once you open it you no longer need them, and researchers found out that it´s this component that is largely responsible for the headaches you can get when moderately enjoying this drink. Plus, you also get the built-in aerator, oxygenating the wine, letting it breathe, don´t forget that it´s a living drink. The aerator also gives a nice swirl effect when pouring, make it a bit more desirable. Dish washer safe, practical, with a nice design, that will easily fit where you place it, it´s a must have for all wine lovers. watch the video
Learn more from Uiio, or pre-order now from Kickstarter
Learn more from Uiio, or pre-order now from Kickstarter