Ellipse Smart Bike Lock
The Ellipse Smart Bike Lock is for those of us who really love their bikes and therefore take security issues very seriously. This smart device aims to take your bike’s protection to a higher level but also enhances some other cool features that may come in handy. First of all lets cover the basics: it´s built tough, using 17 mm thick steel, plus it´s smart, so no need for keys, just use a tap on your phone or program it so it unlocks as you approach it, or even via a hidden touchpad. It also features a solar panel, to make sure it’ll never run out of battery. The other dimension it brings to a bike lock is that you can lend your bike to a friend so you can go social with your bike. It also features an accelerometer so you get warned should anyone temper with your two wheeled prized possession. Safe, secure and social three words that define this sleek lock.