Playdate Handheld Console
Panic, a company known for developing apps for iOS and macOS, has teamed up with Teenage Engineering (known for making beautifully engineered audio equipment) for this very cool handheld gaming system that is not quite like anything else. Playdate is a throwback to the classic handheld systems of the past, but translated through a modern lens, it is a small, yellow handheld portable system with two buttons, a directional pad, a black-and-white screen and a unique hand crank on the side used as a rotating analog controller for some of its games. At launch, there will be 12 games included with the system developed by some of the industry´s top designers, delivered one per week for a few months. Playdate will also boast a highly-reflective black and white screen, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, a USB-C port for charging, and a headphone jack.