Cinebody turns your iPhone into an 8mm camera! It´s a modern take on the great Super8 cameras that our parents or grand parents (depending on the generation) used to have. Remember those old family films? With an orange patina? Those you saw were probably made with a Super8. So Cinebody enables you to turn your iPhone 6 or 6S into one of those, combining the technology of modern digital video with the design, ergonomics and the storytelling narrative from the golden age of Super8 film cameras. Simply slide your Apple smartphone in to it and then control it with Cinebody´s buttons. Just point and shoot, you´ll never miss a scene again wondering if its recording or not, its that simple. Another cool feature is that they already have some after market mounting lenses so you can adjust it to your exact needs. You also get an app to get in control of some more complex stuff such as filters, light or exposure. An ergonomic, modern and cool reinvention is what you get with this original device. watch the video below

Cinebody Pro from Lumenati on Vimeo.