stuff we drool about

Sklz Rapid Fire

SKLZ has the perfect gadget for those who like to play basketball in the yard, but are too lazy to chase every ball thrown! The Rapid Fire Basketball Training Aid is a net, that spans 10 feet wide, which is trapped beneath the basketball hoop and the ball slides back into the players hands after being thrown. The kit comes complete with the net and Weighted bases.

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Wolbrook Interior
tropicfeel interior
Scandinavian Interior
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London Sock Interior


GoldCoast Skateboards is a Salt Lake City and California based company specializing in longboards, cruisers and transition skateboards. Their boards are made from Bamboo and provide toughness, elasticity, feel and response, they are cold pressed and precision cut to perfection. They feature some very cool designs and shapes and are great for both casual cruising and hill bombing. You can get them from the Goldcoast website or from amazon....
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Ergatta is a beautiful connected rower all made from cherry wood and built with high-end craftsmanship by the American based team at WaterRower. The masterfully crafted machine provides a smooth rowing experience because of the water used to create a more natural flow and resistance feel while going easy on the back. Although it has a bulky appearance when set up, you may easily stow it away vertically in a much more discrete fashion. One of the cool things about th...
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The Powerbreather is a breathing system (based on the concept of a sealed snorkel) and developed in Germany. The system uses a patented air flow pumped by a valve mechanism. The Powerbreather allows only air to pass through the pipe leading to the mouth of a swimmer. The Powerbreather avoids strain on the neck muscles, which is usually done by turning the neck and head, in order to breathe. Thus, the Powerbreather allows the swimmer to concentrate on his/her technic...
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