Urban Cultivator
Urban Cultivator is a fully automated kitchen garden that enables you to grow your own fresh herbs or microgreens, 100% organic and independently of outdoor climate conditions. The innovative indoor system comes in two sizes, the smaller and most popular one that takes up about the same room as a dishwasher machine, and like the dishwasher, it also needs power and water supply, in fact it grows your favorite herbs hyonically, and with the built-in computerized management system, taking care of your greens is as simple as it gets. This smart unit will control light cycles, air circulation, humidity and watering. You can choose the plants you want to grow such as radishes, cilantro or basil, among others. Get the full freshness and the particular flavor that only a fresh harvest can get, with the Urban Cultivator. watch the video
Another great(and more affordable) option for Urban-style gardening is the Noocity Growbed
Another great(and more affordable) option for Urban-style gardening is the Noocity Growbed