Plum Wine Appliance
Plum is a state-of-the-art wine appliance that preserves your favorite bottles for up to 90 days, plus it keeps them at the perfect temperature to be served. You can store two different bottles within its two separate compartments and you can have a chilled white in one side and a warmer red on the other. It uses high-tech cameras that instantly recognize the label of the bottle and adjust it to the winemaker’s suggested temperature. It also features a touchscreen that will display your bottle’s label and with one tap on it you get one serving in your glass. Make no mistake, this is a high end product, designed to enhance your wine tasting experience for days after you’ve opened your bottle. It features two potent needles that can perforate any artificial or natural cork or even metal, and instantly after the serving the bottle is inflated with a neutral gas for preservation. watch the video below