stuff we drool about

John Mcafee | Last Stand

You might be familiar with McAfee, the famous anti-virus software named after its founder John McAfee in 1987. What you might not be familiar is with the controversial private life of the tech entrepreneur that made a fortune from the first commercial antivirus software. The ebook was written by WIREDs Joshua Davis and describes John McAfee´s unusual life, his years as a cocaine addict, spiritual guru and yoga expert. You can also read about him losing millions in the stock market crash and his decision to retire in Caribbean gateway  Belize. It was there that is life really spiraled out of control, he started hanging out with killers, prostitutes, and pimps and has now gone into hiding accused of murdering his neighbor.
Kindle Singles: one-off pieces of non-fiction and journalism which are typically much shorter than a novel, but longer than a magazine article.

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Tropicfeel Interior
Ryan London Interior
Vaer Interior
Luca Faloni Interior
Carl Friedrik Interior
Allbirds Interior
Five Interior
Thousand Fell Interior
Floyd Interior
London Sock Interior


Renown American maker of guitars Gibson have released the Gibson Memory Cable, a 16-foot smart cable that records as you play. It features a built-in, solid-state digital recorder, enabling you not only to hear what you are playing on a amp but also record your jamming sessions, meaning any flurry of genius won´t be lost forever. The cable comes with a 4GB Micro SD and is able to record up to 13 hours of playing at CD quality. Learn more at the Gibs...
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InBox Capsule Hotel - Image

InBox Capsule Hotel

If you´re one of those adventure travelers that likes to travel light and requires only the bare essentials, the InBox Capsule Hotel is the perfect pitstop. Located in the heart of Saint-Petersburg, Russia, the unique hotel both minimises and maximises space with this typically Japanese concept. Designed by DA Architects, the minimal hotel invites 24 guests to stay in small wooden bunks, and unlike traditional hotels where rooms are larger but socially restricting,...
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Since the dawn of time, exploring the world by boat has been seen as the pinnacle of freedom. This new release by Gestalten chronicles a series of adventures from the perspective of a new generation of seafarers. Guiding the reader to remote corners of the world, Sailing the Seas marries stunning photography with detailed technical itineraries, maps, and destination tips. It features short sailing trips with friends to longer solitary cruises across the oceans, on a...
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