Fish Butchery
Following his groundbreaking debut, "The Whole Fish Cookbook," and its best-selling sequel, "Take One Fish," award-winning culinary innovator Josh Niland continues to redefine fish cookery. "Fish Butchery" is a three-part culinary journey: Catch, Cut, and Craft. Illustrated by the iconic artist and musician Reg Mombassa, this book challenges the food industry to innovate while unveiling the untapped potential of every fish.
With step-by-step instructions on fish preparation, from reverse butterfly to double saddle, and over 40 tantalizing recipes, this book promises to inspire the next generation of chefs. Whether you are an experienced angler or a novice cook, "Fish Butchery" will empower you to master the art and science of fish preparation, elevating your culinary skills to new heights.
With step-by-step instructions on fish preparation, from reverse butterfly to double saddle, and over 40 tantalizing recipes, this book promises to inspire the next generation of chefs. Whether you are an experienced angler or a novice cook, "Fish Butchery" will empower you to master the art and science of fish preparation, elevating your culinary skills to new heights.